Obsah článku:
- How to set an Image as the background for a group of blocks in Gutenberg
- The entire process step by step as a visual guide
- How to set an Image as the background for a group of blocks in Gutenberg
- Conclusion
Last updated December 5th, 2023 23:43
The new version of WordPress 6.4 has brought many minor adjustments and changes. Among the changes that I find interesting is the ability to set a custom background for a group of blocks. This is a feature that is natively found in almost every external page builder. However, for those who don’t have much experience with the Gutenberg editor, finding this option can be somewhat challenging. Personally, I’ve never grown very fond of Gutenberg. In this article, let’s take a look at how you can set an image as the background for a group of blocks in Gutenberg. Developers have somewhat hidden this feature, and a beginner’s eye won’t easily stumble upon this setting.
How to set an Image as the background for a group of blocks in Gutenberg
I will first outline the whole process in bullet points, and for simplicity, I will also show the entire procedure visually in the form of a gallery. After all, it’s easy not to get lost in images.
- Start by clicking on the block group settings.
- From the list, select “cover“.
- Click on “Add Media“.
- Now you can choose whether you want to use an image from the media library (previously uploaded), or if you want to upload a new image. Lastly, you can use the article’s featured image.
- In the right menu, finalize the image’s position and display settings.
- If you want to adjust transparency, click on the divided circle icon in the right menu and adjust the transparency percentage.
The entire process step by step as a visual guide
How to set an Image as the background for a group of blocks in Gutenberg
As you can see, the entire process is not significantly complex, and you only need to try it once or twice. After that, you will easily remember this setting. It’s a feature that the native editor was missing for a long time, and many WordPress users have been calling for it. Finally, you don’t have to use external plugins or other page builders as Elementor that had this feature seamlessly integrated.
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