WordPress.com is making monetization features available for free

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Last updated December 5th, 2023 23:58

WordPress.com recently announced another major change in its pricing policy. Users on the free plan can now take advantage of monetization options without the need to upgrade. With this change, WordPress.com provides free access to monetization features for every selected plan in their pricing.

Previously, WordPress.com users who wanted to earn money from their websites through donations, newsletter creation, product sales, or subscriptions had to be subscribed to one of the paid plans. They were unable to monetize their website content in the free plan. However, these monetization options are now available to all users at all levels.

WordPress.com is making monetization features available for free

The fee varies depending on the user’s plan. Users on the free plan have the highest transaction fees, which amount to 10%. However, this gives them the opportunity to explore whether they can earn money from their content without any upfront costs. Users on the Commerce plan ($70 per month or $45 with annual payment) do not incur any transaction fees.

Therefore, the current monetization fees are as follows:

  • WordPress.com Commerce 0%
  • WordPress.com Business 2%
  • WordPress.com Premium 4%
  • WordPress.com Personal 8%
  • WordPress.com Free 10%
WordPress.com is making monetization features available for free

WordPress.com users also have the option to use many free plugins for monetizing their websites. The WordPress.com offering is primarily focused on creators who want to earn money online through monetizing their content.

It is important to note that creating a fully-featured online store is still limited to the Business and Commerce plans. The use of the Pay with PayPal payment method for accepting credit and debit card payments through PayPal is also available only through an upgraded plan.

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