Discover More About Article And Page In WordPress

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Last updated December 6th, 2023 00:12

In today’s digital era, creating websites has become commonplace, and terms like “page” and “article” are increasingly encountered in the WordPress context. While these terms may initially appear similar or even identical, there is a fundamental difference between them. In today’s digital era, creating websites has become commonplace, and terms like “page” and “article” are increasingly encountered in the WordPress context. While these terms may initially appear similar or even identical, there is a fundamental difference between them. In this article, you can discover more about article and page in WordPress, as well as their significance in terms of website creation and from a reader’s perspective.

Discover More About Article And Page In WordPress

Discover More About Article And Page In WordPress

What is an Article?

In WordPress, an article is a dynamic element used for regularly publishing new content on a website. Articles are ideal for posting news updates, blog entries, expert articles, and similar information. With the editor, you can create and edit text, add images, videos, and other elements. Articles are usually organized into categories, making it easier to classify and search for them. Thanks to timestamps, articles are displayed chronologically, with the newest posts appearing at the top.

What is a Page?

In contrast to articles, a page in WordPress is a static element used for publishing permanent content on a website. Unlike articles, pages do not change frequently and have fixed locations. Pages are often used for company information, contact details, terms of use, frequently asked questions, and other permanent content. The hierarchical structure allows organizing pages in a tree-like arrangement, facilitating navigation and logical content organization.

Main Differences between a Page and an Article

  • Time Dynamics: Articles are time-sensitive and displayed chronologically, with the latest posts at the top. Pages are static and have a fixed position without any time restrictions.
  • Content Organization: Articles are typically categorized and can be tagged for better classification. Pages are organized hierarchically and can have parent and child pages.
  • Purpose: Articles are suitable for regularly updated content such as blogs, company news, and current events. Pages are used for publishing permanent content that changes minimally over time.

Utilizing Pages and Articles:

Articles are perfect for blogging, sharing company news, writing expert articles, and posts that require regular updates. Pages are used for permanent content such as company information, contact details, terms of use, frequently asked questions, and more. Pages are usually included in the header menu, serving as a gateway to important static information. On the other hand, articles are typically placed in the sidebar menu, accessible through categories under which individual articles fall.

Discover More About Article And Page In WordPress


The difference between a page and an article in WordPress lies in their purpose, content dynamics, and organization. Articles are suitable for regularly updated content, while pages are used for publishing permanent and static content. Understanding this distinct nature of pages and articles is crucial for managing and creating websites in WordPress.

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