Free photos and graphics for WordPress

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A new project (free photos and graphics for WordPress) was launched on the official WordPress  website ( a few weeks ago to make it easier for web creators or blogers to find graphic backgrounds and photos for their projects and sites. It is a stock photo, which as of the current day is around 4600+ photos. Photos in the photo store are provided completely free of charge and under the license of CCO – Creative COmons. 

Free photos and graphics for WordPress licensed by CCO

Last updated December 6th, 2023 06:28

Creative Commons (CCO) is one of several public copyright licenses. This allows the free distribution of an otherwise protected work (photos, images, graphics …). The CCO license is used when the author wants to give other people the right to share, use and participate in a work the author has created. Furthermore, the CCO licence gives the author quite a lot of flexibility. For example, it can only allow non-commercial use. At the same time, it protects end-users before copyright infringement problems. 

WordPress Photos

You can find the photo gallery, which WordPress has launched, directly on the official website. Specifically in the menu under the Community tab. The direct link to the stock photo is here The Photos gallery is growing steadily and you can find images here by keywords in search. After downloading a photo or image, you can then freely use this on your site, and thanks to the license used, you are not obliged to state the source from which the photo or image was downloaded.
Bezplatné fotografie a grafika pro WordPress

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