How to hide the Re-Captcha logo in a WordPress template

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Last updated December 6th, 2023 06:31

Unfortunately, when integrating Re-Captcha antispam protection into the Contact Form 7 plugin, this functionality has the feature of eventually displaying a logo on the web that makes it clear that this antispam protection is being used on it. One way to hide this logo is by inserting a special custom CSS code in the template settings that hides this logo. The hiding itself is essentially very simple. So take a look, how to hide the Re-Captcha logo in a WordPress template.

How to hide the Re-Captcha logo in a WordPress template

In the left-hand menu of WordPress administration, click the Appearance link and then click Customize.

Jak skrýt logo Re-Captcha v šabloně WordPressu

In the template settings, then choose custom CSS and paste the following code into it. Save the change.

Jak skrýt logo Re-Captcha v šabloně WordPressu
					.grecaptcha-badge {
visibility: hidden;

Once the change is saved, the Re-Captchy logo should disappear from the site.

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