What is revision in WordPress?

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Last updated December 6th, 2023 06:28

You’ve probably found yourself in a situation in WordPress where you’ve made minor or major updates to an article, only to conclude that the original version was better. Since such situations are quite common, WordPress includes a feature called revisions. In short, when editing an article, older copies are automatically saved, which can be easily reverted to if necessary. If such a situation arises at the end of the editing process, this feature allows you to roll back the article along the timeline to the state it was in before the editing process began. So take a closer look on “What is revision in WordPress?”.

What is revision in WordPress?

Revisions in WordPress are created automatically every time the website owner publishes or modifies an article. At the same time, a revision is automatically saved every 60 seconds during the editing process. This feature is especially useful when multiple people are working on the website and making changes to its content. It would be very limiting to export the database before each edit in order to revert to a previous state, and in a multi-user environment, such an approach would be nearly impossible.

Where can I find revisions in WordPress?

If you log in to the WordPress admin panel and open an article for editing, you will find its revisions in the right-hand settings panel. Specifically, the tab is called “Post.” At a glance, you can see the number of revisions, and by clicking on it, you can immediately select the revision you want to revert to based on the timeline and its meeting all of the required conditions.

As seen in the images above, when restoring posts using revisions, you have a timeline slider at the top and changes made to the post at the bottom. This makes it easy to find the part of the post you want to restore. If you need to compare two revisions, you can check the “Compare any two revisions” box. This will add an additional slider to the timeline and allow you to compare the two revisions.

To restore a post to a specific revision, simply select the revision you want and click “Restore This Revision.” It’s that simple!

Do revisions have any disadvantages?

Yes, they do. If you have a website with a large number of posts, revisions can take up a lot of space in your database. It’s a good idea to periodically delete revisions in bulk using a plugin like Sweep.

For a detailed guide on how to remove revisions in WordPress, check out my article “How to remove excess revisions in WordPress“.

What is revision in WordPress – conclusion.

Now you know what revisions are in WordPress, how to use them, and how to delete them. If you’re dealing with slow website performance, revisions could be the cause of slow response. Therefore, try deleting the revisions if necessary and see if the situation improves.

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