
In WordPress or Elementor, the z-index property is used to determine the stacking order of elements on a web page. Specifically, the z-index property sets the z-axis position of an element and determines how it is layered in relation to other elements on the page.

The z-axis is an imaginary line that runs perpendicular to the screen and through the center of the user’s view. Elements with a higher z-index value will appear on top of elements with a lower value, as they are positioned closer to the user on the z-axis.

For example, if you have a website with a header section that includes a navigation menu and a hero section with a background image, you may want to adjust the z-index of these elements so that they appear in the correct order. By default, the navigation menu may be on top of the hero section, blocking some of the background image. However, by setting the z-index of the hero section to a higher value, you can ensure that it appears on top of the navigation menu.

In Elementor, you can adjust the z-index of an element by going to the Advanced tab in the element’s settings panel and scrolling down to the Positioning section. From there, you can adjust the z-index value using a slider or by entering a specific value.

Overall, understanding how to adjust the z-index property in WordPress or Elementor is important for creating visually appealing and functional websites. By carefully managing the layering of elements on your web pages, you can ensure that your content is presented in a clear and engaging way for your users.

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