Why did I start writing a blog (again)?

Proč jsem začal psát blog (zase)?

It’s evening, quite late already, and the laptop monitor is glowing on the table, next to a finished cup of tea. For the past few evenings, I’ve had a text editor open on my laptop, writing a technical article for my blog. Some text revisions, finding an interesting thumbnail image from an image bank, and I can start publishing the article on the website. I’m already far beyond the 700-article mark. So why exactly am I doing this? Why did I start writing a blog (again)? Why did I start writing a blog (again)? Because … Read more

Internal and external motivation in the context of school

Vnitřní a vnější motivace v kontextu školy

Since I have already written here about education and verbal feedback instead of traditional grades, I can’t resist continuing. This time, the topic is internal and external motivation that schools work with, particularly focusing on external motivation in this context. Internal and external motivation in the context of school is a rather complex topic, and it wouldn’t hurt to say something about it. For example, we can consider whether to try doing things differently and instead of relying on external motivation, strive to utilize the internal one. The difference between them is significant, and I … Read more

Prospect Theory or Let’s Teach People to Walk

Prospektová teorie aneb naučme lidi chodit

Prospect theory examines human decision-making under conditions of risk and uncertainty. This behavioral theory focuses on how people perceive and evaluate different options and make decisions based on these perceptions. The headline “Prospect theory, or let’s teach people to walk” might seem humorous, but it is not. According to prospect theory, people do not solely rely on rational decision-making based on expected value and outcome probabilities. Instead, their decisions are influenced by emotions, perception of gains and losses, and relative changes in status. The theory emphasizes that people tend to be more sensitive to losses … Read more

The psychology of money

Psychologie peněz

People handle money and think about it in various ways. However, upon closer examination of people’s behavior in certain situations, interesting phenomena arise that cannot always be rationally explained. Despite encountering situations that are paradoxically disadvantageous, people tend to lean towards them rather than situations that have positive outcomes. Let’s take a look at a few examples of how the psychology of money works in practice. Perhaps you may even recognize yourself in some of these cases. If so, the comments section is open below. The psychology of money – absurdities people commit 1.) Importance … Read more

Free online courses offered by Google

Online kurzy zdarma díky Google

As part of my work in the IT industry, I occasionally seek interesting opportunities to improve my knowledge in the field. It doesn’t necessarily have to be directly related to IT, but also things that are tangentially related. In the case of web development, this could be SEO, marketing and promotion, or other associated fields that make up the final and functional whole of a website. That is why I have been using Google’s Digital Garage for some time now. The free online courses offered by Google Digital Garage provide the basics of working with … Read more

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