The problem with HTTPS and mixed content

Problém s HTTPS a mixovaným obsahem

HTTPS is a protocol that provides encrypted communication between the server and your browser. Simply put, this means that everything you send to or receive from the server is encrypted. So, if you enter your credit card number in your browser, the data is first encrypted, sent to the server, and then decrypted into readable form. If a hacker intercepted the data between you and the server, it would be useless to them because it would be encrypted. You may be familiar with this function mainly because of the green padlock in your browser. It … Read more

How to enable drop caps in Elementor?

Jak v Elementoru zapnout iniciály

Drop caps are large capital letters used at the beginning of words in text, usually at the beginning of chapters, paragraphs, or titles. They are abbreviations or symbols that help readers navigate the text and easily find the desired section. Today, we’ll look at how to enable drop caps in Elementor, so you always have the first letter of the paragraph capitalized. How to enable drop caps in Elementor? Drop caps are an important part of typography and graphic design. They are used in books, newspapers, magazines, and other printed materials. Drop caps make text … Read more

What is a URL address?

Co je to URL adresa

Many people don’t see a big difference between a URL and a domain name. Both are strings of characters that are entered into the address bar. However, there is a difference and it’s not small. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what is a URL address, what it consists of, and what it means. Simply put, a URL is a string of characters that specifies a location not only on the internet but also on the target server (which in turn defines the content stored in a database). Additionally, a URL can … Read more

Chat GPT and Customer Service Automation

Chat GPT a automatizace zákaznického servisu

In today’s business world, it’s crucial for companies to keep their customers satisfied and earn their loyalty. One of the key factors for a successful business strategy is providing high-quality customer service. However, especially for large companies with a significant number of clients, it can be challenging. Especialy in ensuring personal communication between company staff and all customers, in real-time. Fortunately, there is a solution that can help with this problem – Chat GPT. So, what does Chat GPT and customer service automation look like in practice? Chat GPT and Customer Service Automation Chat GPT, … Read more

How to use headings in articles

Jak používat nadpisy ve článcích

Headings are an essential component of web design and enable users to quickly and easily understand the content of a webpage. Moreover, headings are crucial for SEO, as search engines use them to determine the content and relevance of the webpage for the user. In this article, we will explore the principles of using headings in HTML, the differences between various levels of headings, and how to use headings effectively to maximize the user experience and SEO. So let’s take a closer look at how to use headings in articles, such as on a blog. … Read more

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