How to easily hide the admin panel for WordPress users

Jak skrýt admin panel pro uživatele WordPressu

One of the features of WordPress administration is the so-called admin panel. It is a toolbar that appears at the top of the administration area. It is also accessible in the browser even outside of the administration area if you remain logged into the system. Admin panel allows you, for example, to quickly edit posts, interact with certain plugins (such as cache plugins), and much more. However, there may be situations where it is appropriate to hide this admin panel from all users except administrators. Let’s take a look at three ways, how to easily … Read more

Proven And Free Online Cybersecurity Course With Certificate


The topic of cybersecurity plays a significant role in today’s online era. The internet is increasingly plagued by a myriad of attacks and scams. It is important to understand and be aware of the potential threats you may encounter in the online world. Currently, you have the opportunity to enroll in a proven and free online cybersecurity course with certificate. The course is endorsed by Green Fox Academy and offers Google certification, which can be beneficial for your current or future employment. So, how can you sign up? Free Cybersecurity Online Course This course is … Read more


Chyba ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS u WordPress administrace

Are you trying to log in to the WordPress administration, but instead of the login screen, you keep getting the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error? This redirect loop issue usually has a straightforward explanation: HTTPS and SSL certificate. Let’s take a look at what to check first and how to fix ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS In WordPress administration. It can be much simpler than you think. How To Fix ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS In WordPress administration This error can have a very simple and mundane reason. And that reason is the absence of HTTPS support and an SSL certificate. WordPress uses SSL and HTTPS … Read more

Tips and tricks for Elementor #5

tips and tricks for Elementor plugin

Elementor is an increasingly popular website editor built on the WordPress content management system. Elementor, both in its PRO version and free version, includes various features that may not be immediately visible. In the following series about tips and tricks, I would like to take a closer look at some of them and demonstrate them through examples. So let’s get started and explore more tips and tricks for Elementor #5. 1.) Dark and Light Interface Themes In Elementor, you can change the interface theme to either dark or light. The dark theme is designed with … Read more

How to configure Apache with MPM Event and PHP-FPM

Jak nakonfigurovat Apache s MPM Event a PHP-FPM na Ubuntu

Apache HTTP web server has been developed over many years to work in various environments and address different user needs. One important issue that Apache, like any web server, must address is how to handle different processes for serving HTTP requests. Apache server includes a total of three different MPM (Multi-Processing Module) modules, and in this article, we will show you how to configure Apache with MPM Event and PHP-FPM on Ubuntu, specifically how to change the default Pre-fork variant to Event. How to configure Apache with MPM Event and PHP-FPM on Ubuntu The Apache … Read more

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