How To Easily Regenerate Permalinks In WordPress


From time to time, the URL structure in WordPress may break. You can easily identify this issue on your website when you encounter a 404 error every time you click on a link. This can be frustrating, especially if you are unaware that fixing this error can be relatively straightforward. All you need to do is regenerate the permalink structure. I dare say that this solution resolves approximately 90% of cases involving malfunctioning URLs. The remaining 10% may be attributed to other errors, such as SSL certificate problems or others. In this guide, I will … Read more

New phishing attack targeting Air Bank

Jak poznat online podvody a phishing?

If you have an account with the popular bank, Air Bank, be very cautious about the emails you are currently receiving in your inbox. You could be a target of an attack being spread through email. So, what does the new phishing attack targeting Air Bank look like and how can you recognize it? Let’s take a closer look. New phishing attack targeting Air Bank Text e-mailu vypadá takto: Vážený zákazníku, (libovolna-mailova@adresa), nedávno jsme Vás informovali, že se chystáme zrušit Vaši aplikaci My Air Dlouhou dobu ji nepoužíváte a zdá se, že o ni nestojíte. … Read more

How To Disable The Gutenberg Block Editor In WordPress?

Jak ve WordPressu zakázat blokový editor Gutenberg

Are you using the WordPress content management system for your website? Then you probably already know that WordPress uses the Gutenberg block editor for writing articles and pages. This editor was introduced by developers back in 2018, so we’ve been using it for almost 5 years now. Despite its innovations and improvements, the unfortunate reality is that not everyone likes Gutenberg. Therefore, in this article, I will show you how to disable the Gutenberg block editor in WordPress using a simple snippet. Your articles will then use the classic editor. What is the Gutenberg editor? … Read more

Is it advisable to trust artificial intelligence from Google?

Je dobré věřit umělé inteligenci od Google?

Google launched its artificial intelligence for users across Europe on July 13th. Prior to that, you had to use a VPN and connect to a server outside of the EU to access Google Bard without revealing your country of origin. Now, you can freely use Google Bard from any country within the EU. But what exactly is Google Bard? Is it advisable to trust artificial intelligence from Google? At least in terms of its responses to given topics? So far, it seems that trusting Bard’s answers is not recommended. Is it advisable to trust artificial … Read more

Disable automatic WordPress updates with a simple snippet

Zakažte automatické updaty WordPressu pomocí snippetu

Automatic updates are one of the pillars of WordPress security. They were primarily designed to address the issue of users neglecting their website maintenance. The reality is that the majority of users who come into contact with the WordPress content management system create a basic website but then leave it unattended. Without an active owner, WordPress becomes a potential security risk. To mitigate this, WordPress has a security mechanism that allows it to perform updates automatically, without user intervention. However, such actions are not always desirable. If you find this behavior problematic, you can disable … Read more

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