Menu in WordPress

What is a WordPress Menu? A WordPress menu is a collection of links to pages, posts, categories, or custom URLs, organized and presented in a specific way on your website. It is a fundamental aspect of website navigation, allowing users to easily access different sections of your website and find the information they need.

Types of WordPress Menus

In WordPress, there are two main types of menus: Main menus and custom menus. The main menu is typically located at the top of your website and is used to provide access to the main sections of your site. Custom menus, on the other hand, can be created and used anywhere on your site and are typically used for specific purposes, such as creating a footer menu.

Creating a WordPress Menu

To create a menu in WordPress, you need to access the WordPress menu editor, which can be found in the Appearance section of the WordPress dashboard. From there, you can create a new menu, add links to your menu, and arrange the links in the order you want them to appear on your website.

Adding Links to a Menu

In the WordPress menu editor, you can add links to pages, posts, categories, or custom URLs. You can also create sub-menus, allowing you to organize your links into categories or sections.

Customizing Your Menu

Once you have created your menu and added your links, you can customize the appearance of your menu to match the look and feel of your website. You can choose from a variety of menu styles, adjust the font size and color, and control the position of your menu on your website.

Using Menus in Your Theme

Once you have created your menu, you need to assign it to a location in your theme in order for it to appear on your website. This is typically done in the Theme Customizer, where you can select the menu you want to use for each location.


A WordPress menu is an important aspect of website navigation, allowing users to easily access different sections of your website. With the ability to create main menus and custom menus, add links, customize the appearance of your menu, and assign it to specific locations in your theme, WordPress provides a flexible and easy-to-use system for managing your website’s navigation. Whether you are creating a simple blog or a complex website, a well-designed menu can greatly enhance the user experience and help visitors quickly find the information they need.

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