Google Search Console

Google Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, is a free web-based tool provided by Google to help website owners and administrators monitor and maintain their website’s presence in Google search results. It provides a wide range of features and data to help website owners understand how their site is performing in search results, and to identify and fix any issues that may be preventing their site from ranking well.

Some of the key features and benefits of Google Search Console include:

  1. Performance data: Google Search Console provides detailed information on how your site is performing in Google search results, including data on search queries, impressions, clicks, and average position.

  2. Search appearance data: Google Search Console provides information on how your site appears in search results, including data on featured snippets, rich snippets, and other search features.

  3. Indexing status: Google Search Console provides information on how Google is crawling and indexing your site, including data on index status, crawl errors, and sitemap status.

  4. Security issues: Google Search Console provides alerts and notifications of any security issues on your site, such as hacked content, malware, or spammy links.

  5. Mobile usability: Google Search Console provides information on how your site performs on mobile devices, including data on mobile usability and mobile-friendly design.

  6. Structured data: Google Search Console provides data on the structured data markup used on your site, including data on markup and other types of structured data.

Overall, Google Search Console is a powerful and essential tool for website owners and administrators who want to understand how their site is performing in Google search results, and to identify and fix any issues that may be preventing their site from ranking well. By using the data and features provided by Google Search Console, website owners can improve their site’s visibility, performance, and overall user experience.

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