
A favicon is a small, iconic image that represents a website and is displayed in the address bar of a web browser, next to the website’s URL. The word “favicon” is short for “favorites icon.”

Favicons were first introduced by Internet Explorer in the late 1990s and have since become a standard feature of web browsers. They’re used to help users quickly identify and locate a website, especially when they have multiple tabs or windows open in their browser.

Here’s how favicons work:

  1. Creating the favicon: To create a favicon, you need to create a square image that’s 16×16 pixels or 32×32 pixels in size. The image should be in a format that’s supported by web browsers, such as .ICO, .PNG, or .GIF.

  2. Adding the favicon to your website: Once you have created your favicon, you need to add it to your website. You can do this by including a link to the favicon in the <head> section of your website’s HTML code.

  3. Displaying the favicon in the browser: Once the favicon is added to your website, it will be displayed in the address bar of the web browser whenever a user visits your website.

Favicons are an important part of branding and identity for a website. By having a unique and recognizable favicon, users can quickly identify your website and distinguish it from other websites, even when they have multiple tabs or windows open in their browser.

In addition, favicons can also be used as shortcuts on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, allowing users to quickly launch your website from their home screen.

Overall, a favicon is a small but important aspect of a website’s design and user experience. By providing a recognizable and memorable image for your website, you can help users quickly identify and locate your site, and make it easier for them to return to your site in the future.

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