Custom CSS in Elementor

Custom CSS in Elementor is a feature that allows users to add their own styles and modifications to their website’s design beyond the options available in the Elementor interface. It is a powerful tool that gives users greater control over the visual appearance of their website and enables them to create a truly unique look.

How to access Custom CSS in Elementor

To access the Custom CSS feature in Elementor, users must first navigate to the page or post they wish to edit. Once there, they can open the Elementor editor and select the widget or element they want to modify. From there, they can click on the “Advanced” tab in the widget settings and scroll down to find the “Custom CSS” field.

Using Custom CSS in Elementor

Custom CSS in Elementor is typically used to make small adjustments to the design of a website. For example, a user might want to change the color of a specific element, add a custom font, or adjust the spacing between elements on the page. These modifications can be achieved by writing CSS code directly into the Custom CSS field.

One of the main advantages of using Custom CSS in Elementor is that it allows users to make changes to their website’s design without affecting the underlying HTML structure. This means that users can experiment with different styles and layouts without risking breaking their website.

Best practices for using Custom CSS in Elementor

When using Custom CSS in Elementor, it is important to follow best practices to ensure that the modifications are effective and do not cause any unintended consequences. Some tips for using Custom CSS in Elementor include:

  1. Keep it simple: Only add CSS that is necessary and avoid overcomplicating the design.

  2. Use a child theme: If making extensive changes, it is recommended to use a child theme to avoid overwriting any core theme files.

  3. Test on different devices: Make sure the custom CSS looks good on different screen sizes and devices.

  4. Keep a record: Keep a record of any custom CSS added so that it can be easily modified or removed later.


Custom CSS in Elementor is a powerful tool that allows users to make modifications to their website’s design beyond the options available in the Elementor interface. While it can be a useful way to create a unique look and feel for a website, it is important to use it carefully and follow best practices to avoid causing any unintended consequences. With a little practice and experimentation, however, Custom CSS in Elementor can help users take their website design to the next level.

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