Should I update WordPress or plugins first?

Updatovat jako první WordPress, nebo pluginy?

Not sure whether to update the content management system first and then individual plugins during a major update? Many beginners are afraid of updates and prefer not to perform them at all. They fear that an unprofessional intervention may break the already-built website. Today, we will look at whether it is better to update the system or plugins first. Perhaps the answered question of whether to update WordPress or plugins first will help you not to be afraid of such actions. After all, it is not as difficult as it may seem. Why keep WordPress … Read more

Is WordPress really a bad content management system?

Je WordPress opravdu špatný redakční systém?

From time to time, you may hear from various sources that WordPress is a bad content management system that is unsuitable for building websites. Such information can be confusing, especially if someone is just getting acquainted with this CMS and does not have enough information to verify whether it is true. However, would WordPress be so massively used if it were really a bad system? Let’s ask a few questions and provide some relevant information. Is WordPress really a bad content management system? Yes or no? Is WordPress really a bad content management system? First, … Read more

How to turn off lazy load in WordPress

Jak vypnout Lazy Load obrázků ve WordPressu

Do you need to deactivate the lazy load feature in WordPress? WordPress typically uses this feature to delay the loading of images until the page needs to display them on the user’s screen. In theory, this can improve the initial loading speed of the page, but this feature is not always desirable. Therefore, today I will show you, how to turn off lazy load in WordPress, step by step. What is Lazy Load? The concept of lazy loading involves loading content only when it is needed. This means that images and other media are loaded … Read more

How to prevent overwriting .htaccess in WordPress

Jak u WordPressu zamezit přepisování .htaccessu

WordPress and some of its plugins add their own code to the .htaccess file for their own configuration purposes. If you also have your own code, or perhaps various redirects or rules in the file, it is possible that your own code may be overwritten under certain conditions. Therefore, today we will take a look at how to prevent this from happening and how to prevent overwriting .htaccess in WordPress. Also, how to prevent overwriting of your own code. Why does WordPress overwrite the content of the .htaccess file? The .htaccess configuration file for the … Read more

Why to use the rel=’nofollow’ attribute for external links within SEO?

Proč v rámci SEO používat u externích odkazů atribut rel=”nofollow”

Thanks to the widespread availability of the internet, domain ownership, and web hosting, SEO has become a critical aspect that cannot be underestimated in any way. A literal battle is being fought to rank at the top of search results, and it is often not easy to even rank on the first page. Therefore, even the smallest details in search engine optimization play a significant role. Today, I would like to discuss how to insert external links into a website. These links lead to content outside of your domain. And why to use the rel=’nofollow’ … Read more

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