Tool for tracking user behavior on the web

Nástroj pro sledování chování uživatelů na webu

Getting to know your website users can be crucial in terms of designing the website layout and its interactive elements. As a website owner, you would agree that it’s important to know what your website users are doing. Or, where they are clicking too. Based on such data, you are able to adjust or relocate key website elements that should be visible at first glance. In this article, I want to introduce you to a tool for tracking user behavior on the web – Hotjar. Also I want to show you how to integrate it … Read more

Converting images to .webp

Konverze obrázků do .webp

When it comes to optimizing your website for faster loading times, you might have wondered what image format you should be using. The choice of image format can be crucial when you’re not only optimizing for search engines but also for performance. In the past, formats like .jpg, .jpeg, and .png were commonly used, but they are not necessarily suitable for modern websites anymore. The size of images plays an important role, and that’s why this article will focus on the converting images to .webp format. Converting images to .webp In today’s world, not only … Read more

How to fix SPF and DKIM error on G-mail

Při odeslání mailu na Gmail se vrací chyba SPF a DKIM

A few months ago, Google adjusted its spam policy, which means that emails that were previously fine may no longer pass. If there is a problem with the SPF and DKIM record, a mailer daemon will return the sent email. The reason is simple: when sending an email to Gmail, the SPF and DKIM error occurs due to missing DNS records for the domain. What can be done about it? Let’s take a look today, how to fix SPF and DKIM error on G-mail. How to fix SPF and DKIM error on G-mail SPF (Sender … Read more

The robots.txt file and its significance on the web

Soubor robots.txt a jeho význam na webu

The robots.txt file is one of the most important files on a website. This file serves as a guide for search engine crawlers and robots, which crawl through web pages and index them for search results. Without a robots.txt file, crawlers would have to go through the entire website, which can cause unnecessary server load and slow down page loading times. Additionally, this may not always be desirable. Where is the robots.txt file stored? The robots.txt file is stored in the root directory of a website, and robots automatically look for it there. For example, … Read more

404 error page

Chybová stránka 404

If a user clicks on a link in a search engine and instead of the expected content, they see a 404 error page, it can be frustrating. Despite this feeling that it may evoke in many people, this page is crucially important for a website and is also highly underrated. Let’s take a closer look at why the 404 error page is important and why you should definitely have one on your website. Why is the 404 error page so important? Because it informs users that the content does not exist. Many web creators place … Read more

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