How To Prevent Text Copying From A WordPress Website

Jak zabránit kopírování textu z WordPress webu

The issue of protecting intellectual property is quite crucial nowadays. Therefore, if you own a website or blog, protecting your ownership should be a priority. Regarding web presence, it’s quite common for other entities to copy text or visual content. I, myself, am dealing with extensive backlinks attempting to steal images from my website. In this article, we’ll explore how to prevent text copying from a WordPress website. I’ll demonstrate two methods, both of which are simple and not time-consuming, regardless of your experience level. How To Prevent Text Copying From A WordPress Website Before … Read more

How To Easily Create A Contact Form With Multiple Recipients

Potřebujete na WordPressu vytvořit kontaktní formulář s více příjemci? V tomto článku Vám ukáži, jak to můžete jednoduše provést pomocí pluginu WPForms.

Do you need to create a contact or other form on your WordPress site that must have multiple recipients? Typically, you might want, for example, a contact form to go to the website owner while also reaching customer support. You can achieve this using a simple trick within the WPForms plugin. In this article, I’ll show you how to create contact form with multiple recipients using WPForms. The entire process is very straightforward. Installing the Contact Form Plugin For these purposes, I’ll use arguably the best plugin currently available for contact forms in WordPress, which … Read more

Midjourney’s Great Development Over the Last Two Years

Skokový vývoj Midjourney za poslední dva roky

Midjourney is an artificial intelligence capable of generating images based on textual descriptions, known as prompts. It’s a relatively new technology with the potential to revolutionize how we create and use visual content. Founded in 2022 by Midjourney AB, the company is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, established by Jonathan Söderberg, Johan Hanson, and David Olofsson. The Midjourney’s great development  over the last two years has been fascinating. From its initial images that hinted at AI potential but were less usable, to today, where Midjourney generates absolutely stunning graphics and visual content. Let’s delve into how … Read more

How To Disable Displaying Articles Of A Subcategory In The Main Category of WordPress

zobrazování článků subkategorie v hlavní kategorii WordPressu

WordPress uses two primary taxonomies for website organization: Posts and Pages. Posts are further categorized into categories and sometimes into subcategories. For instance, you might have a category like ‘Cars’ with associated subcategories like ‘Diesel,’ ‘Gasoline,’ and ‘Electric.’ The issue arises when an article is assigned solely to a subcategory. It not only appears in that subcategory (‘Electric’) but also in the main category (‘Cars’). These categories are commonly referred to as parent and child. Essentially, if you assign an article to the ‘Electric’ subcategory, it will simultaneously display in the main ‘Cars’ category. As … Read more

Christmas and New Year’s Eve fireworks

Vánoční a Silvestrovské ohňostroje

The Christmas and New Year’s Eve fireworks are fast approaching. Yay. Since the beginning of November, I’ve been passing by reindeers and Santas in almost every store. Yay times two. Fireworks and firecrackers have slowly shifted from Asian markets to grocery stores, where they’re available practically to anyone willing to spend a few hundred and splurge on devilish lights and a heap of noise. And that’s where all the trouble with Christmas and New Year’s Eve begins. People, practically running around everywhere, lighting up firecrackers and fireworks just for fun. And it bothers me. I … Read more

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