Best and simple – Red Onion Chutney Recipe

Recept na chutney z červené cibule

This is not a cooking blog and probably never will be, but after a long time, I bought something I had almost forgotten about from my visits to Ireland: onion marmalade, onion jam, or also chutney made from red onions. It’s spicy, sweet, and goes perfectly with almost anything. And besides the fact that it’s quite expensive for its size, and the fact that it disappears quickly, I decided to make this chutney myself. Red onion chutney is not complicated to make, it just takes a relatively long time. About two and a half hours, … Read more

12 tips on how to improve the health of your WordPress site

12 tipů jak zlepšit zdraví webu na WordPressu

The website health is a native feature in WordPress that alerts you to the condition of your site. It provides feedback and information on what needs improvement on your website and what settings need to be adjusted for optimal security and keeping everything up to date. This functionality will notify you of outdated PHP versions, outdated plugins, website security settings, or incorrect server limits or settings. In this video from, you can learn about 12 tips on how to keep your website health in perfect shape. 12 tips on how to improve the health … Read more

How to secure WordPress – easy and proven tips

Jak zabezpečit WordPress

How to secure WordPress is a key question for maintaining the integrity and security of your website. WordPress is one of the most popular and widely used content management platforms in the world, making it an attractive target for attackers. Every day, thousands of websites are attacked, either through automated bots or targeted attacks, which can have a devastating impact on your web presence. However, there are a number of steps you can take to secure your WordPress site and minimize the risk of attack. If you’re interested in the security of your website, come … Read more

How to add an admin user to WordPress using MySQL

Jak přidat admin uživatele WordPressu pomocí MySQL

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL technology. With MySQL and the phpMyAdmin tool, you can also control it when, for example, you don’t have access to the WordPress administration. In this article, I’ll show you how to add an admin user to WordPress using MySQL. This comes in handy when you can’t access the wp-admin panel for some reason, perhaps because you don’t have the correct user in the system. How to add an admin user to WordPress using MySQL To add a user, you’ll need access to the … Read more

4 Best And Premium Plugins For Better WordPress (2024)

Top prémiové pluginy pro WordPress

WordPress is a great content management system that can be scaled according to your needs. Many plugins are free and allow you to greatly extend your system with features that WordPress natively does not have. However, there are also premium plugins that you need to pay for. Payment can be one-time, or the plugin may be in an annual or monthly subscription mode. On this website, I currently use 4 premium plugins. Let’s take a look at what they are. WPForms – Elite In my opinion, WPForms is currently among the best premium plugins for … Read more

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