How to disable logging into WordPress using email

Jak zakázat přihlášení do WordPressu pomocí e-mailu

The WordPress administration allows users to log in using two options: either by entering the user login or their email. Using either option along with the correct password allows users to log in to the system. As your email is often readily available on the website, you can enhance WordPress security by disabling this login option. Users will then need to log in using only their non-public username. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to disable logging into WordPress using email. It’s another small piece in improving your website’s security. While it may seem like … Read more

Adjust error messages for logging into the WordPress admin panel

Upravte chybové hlášky u přihlášení do administrace WordPressu

Security is the alpha and omega of your website. There’s certainly nothing pleasant about spending days and hours creating a website, only for someone to attack and damage it. That’s why security in WordPress is an ongoing topic. Today, we’ll show you another way to enhance security further. Adjust error messages for logging into the WordPress admin panel using a simple snippet. I’ll show you how. And why should you actually do it? We’ll discuss that below as well. Adjust error messages for logging into the WordPress admin panel When logging into your WordPress, does … Read more

How You Can Easily Recognize Social Media Phishing

Kybernetické útoky na sociálních sítích

In the 21st century, people seamlessly transitioned into the online world, where a significant portion of our communication now takes place. Attackers adapted to this shift as well. Every day, new and more sophisticated attack methods emerge. Prevention is key. You should be vigilant and aware of the potential threats that might encounter or jeopardize you on the internet. That’s why today, we’ll talk about how you can easily recognize social media phishing, which might be even more perilous than email phishing because it’s much harder to detect. How You Can Easily Recognize Social Media … Read more

How to update a WordPress theme without losing customizations

Jak aktualizovat šablonu WordPressu bez ztráty vlastních úprav

On WordPress as a website management system, there’s one fantastic thing: how easily it can be customized. You can easily modify the system’s behavior using plugins or alter the appearance of the current template using PHP code. However, I’d like to address a specific concern with modifying the template using inserted code. There’s an issue here. When updating the template, you can easily lose all your modifications. The template gets overwritten, and the inserted PHP code simply disappears. In this article, I’d like to show you how to update a WordPress theme without losing customizations, … Read more

How to enable maintenance mode in WordPress

Jak zapnete režim údržby ve WordPressu

Are you managing one or multiple WordPress websites? If you answered yes, then you’re likely aware that WordPress maintenance occasionally requires intervention. This involves updating plugins, the system’s core, theme templates, or other aspects. In such situations, it’s good practice to put your website into maintenance mode. Essentially, this temporarily deactivates the site for your visitors during maintenance. As the site administrator, you won’t notice any change. However, users won’t be able to access the site and will only see an information notice indicating that the site is currently under maintenance. How do you enable … Read more

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