How to fix the local issuer certificate problem in WordPress

Jak opravit chybu pluginu AIO SEO v souboru Vue.php

In the past few days, I’ve noticed issues with plugin, core, and theme updates on well-established WordPress sites. The error messages vary, but they almost always point to a certificate problem. The fix is relatively simple, but you’ll need FTP access. Let’s go through the process. How to Fix the Local Issuer Certificate Problem in WordPress If this issue occurs, you might encounter one of the following errors: cURL error 77: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate) SSL certificate problem: … Read more

WordPress 6.7.2 has been released – Quick Overview of New Features

Jak ve WordPressu zakázat automatické aktualizace

WordPress 6.7.2 is a minor update focused primarily on bug fixes and stability improvements. It does not introduce any major new features but addresses issues that appeared in previous versions. This version fixes a total of 35 bugs found in the previous 6.7.1 release. Main Changes and Fixes Block Editor: Fixed bugs and improved block functionality to enhance the user experience when creating content. HTML API: Improvements and fixes to the HTML API for better compatibility and stability. Customization Tool: Bug fixes and functionality improvements for easier website appearance adjustments. Other Fixes: In addition to … Read more

How to Easily Limit Revisions in WordPress

Jak jednoduše omezit revize ve WordPressu

Revisions in WordPress are automatically saved versions of posts and pages that allow you to revert to previous content versions. Every edit to a post or page creates a new revision, which can be useful when you want to go back to content before editing. However, problems with revisions can arise when there are many of them on the site, often numbering in the hundreds or even thousands, especially on websites with a large number of posts. Blogs are particularly affected by this. With a high number of revisions, you may notice slower website responses … Read more

How to Easily Add Table of Contents in WordPress

table of content wordpress

A Table of Contents (TOC) is a list of links that displays the main headings or sections of an article. It is typically placed at the beginning of a post, allowing readers to quickly navigate to the section they are interested in. Some page builders, such as Elementor or SeedProd, offer this feature through a built-in widget. However, if you are using the default Gutenberg editor, adding a TOC manually can be challenging. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use a custom snippet to automatically generate and insert a Table of Contents at … Read more

Best WordPress Themes for 2025 (free and premium)

SEznam bodů, které potřebujete znát když měníte vzhled svého WordPressu

Have you just installed or are you about to install the WordPress content management system? Besides quality and well-tested plugins, the first thing you’ll be looking for is themes. A good and lightweight theme is essential for optimal performance, speed, and, last but not least, a great user experience. Here are the best WordPress themes for 2025. Astra Astra is one of the most popular WordPress themes, known for its speed, flexibility, and extensive customization options. It’s perfect for both beginners and advanced users who want to create a professional website without coding knowledge. Astra … Read more

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