A Proven Certified course to easily gain SEO knowledge

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Last updated December 14th, 2023 09:57

Are you interested in SEO and want to improve in it? Try A Proven Certified course to easily gain SEO knowledge on udemy.com. Currently priced at 12 Euros for a 14-hour course. Do you own a website, blog, or e-shop and feel a bit lost in optimizing it for search engines? There’s certainly a vast amount of text available online from which you can draw knowledge. However, a video course that covers all topics comprehensively is simply much better. That’s why I’d like to draw your attention this time to a certified course for gaining SEO knowledge by Joshua George: The Ultimate SEO Training 2023 + SEO For WordPress Websites.

A Proven Certified course to easily gain SEO knowledge

Joshua is the founder of the Award Winning SEO Agency in the UK called ClickSlice. Joshua originally got involved with SEO as an end result of selling on eBay. He loved selling on eBay but hated paying the eBay commission fees. Instead of paying eBay every time he sold an item he decided to make his own website where he could sell as many items as he wanted without paying any fees.

After building the website he noticed his site was nowhere to be found in Google and no one was buying his products.

As you do, he started to Google things like “how to get my website higher in Google” and stumbled across SEO in 2016.

Joshua remembers this day like it was yesterday and says whilst smiling “Sept 13th 2013, the day I stumbled across SEO. I knew from this point on my future would take a different direction”.

This was the date Joshua started learning exactly how SEO works. He mastered the skill within 3 years and now regularly helps business owners in the UK rank higher in Google and generate more revenue.

SEO is forever changing, to stay on top of your game you have to constantly be trying and testing new things. Joshua regularly attends SEO conferences across the world to ensure he’s always updated on the latest Google algorithm updates and trends. He spends most of his time as an SEO consultant For businesses in London.

  • 14 hours on-demand video
  • 30 articles
  • 17 downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion


  • No previous SEO knowledge or experience is required.


Stop wasting time following so called “SEO Experts” that do not practice what they preach.

I own the Award Winning SEO Agency in the UK and in this course, I’ll reveal the entire process we use at the agency to rank a website onto the first page of Google, step by step.

This process is PROVEN and works.

Maybe you’re completely new to SEO or maybe you’re an advanced SEO expert and are looking to expand your knowledge.

Whichever one it is, you can be sure I’ve got you covered.

I don’t just talk the talk; I actually walk the walk and live it too.

At the end of the course I’m going to share with you some real-time results that I’ve managed to achieve for my own website and clients websites too all by following the same strategies you’re going to learn in this course.

What you’ll learn by taking this SEO course

  • Learn more about SEO and understand how it all works
  • How to structure and optimise your website to rank on page 1
  • How to find the best keywords to target for your website
  • Understanding the role of content in SEO
  • Find out how to spy on your competitors and see what SEO efforts they have been getting up to
  • How to find 100s of content ideas for your blog
  • How to build powerful backlinks that will crush the competition
  • Master technical SEO and outsmart your competitors
Certifikovaný kurz pro získání SEO znalostí

In the course description, it’s stated that there are a total of 7.5 hours of material, but that’s not entirely true. The course actually consists of around 14 hours and is packed with very useful information from start to finish. It’s intended for beginners or intermediate learners who want to delve a bit deeper into the world of SEO.

Its standard price is 89.99 Euros, however, it’s currently on sale for 11.99 Euros. This discount recurs periodically. So, if you happen to come across this article when the course is at its full price, just bookmark it. In a few weeks, it will be available again at this cheaper price for a certain number of days. This is quite common on Udemy.

Does the course offer translations into other languages?

Yes, it does, through subtitles. I just want to alert everyone that it’s a machine translation. So, don’t expect a perfectly polished foreign language, but something more akin to Google Translate. However, it’s fully sufficient for understanding the given topic. For those who prefer English, you can choose the original English subtitles or watch the video without subtitles.

What about the certificate?

Throughout the course, you’ll have small tests of about five to six questions at the end of lessons. Don’t worry, the tests are really straightforward. If you go through all the lessons and reach the end, you’ll receive a certificate that looks like this:

The Ultimate SEO Training 2023 + SEO For WordPress Websites

You can add the certificate, for example, on LinkedIn and thus enhance your skills in your professional portfolio.

A Proven Certified course to easily gain SEO knowledge


If you want to understand how SEO works in practice, don’t hesitate because the price of 12 Euros for 14 hours of study material is simply fantastic. You’ll learn to work with keywords, understand SEO strategies, backlinks, analyze in the SEMRUSH tool, and much more. For this amount, it’s truly a great opportunity to advance. And if you miss the discounted price, don’t despair. As I mentioned, just bookmark the course and watch for when it’s discounted again.

The website is created with care for the included information. I strive to provide high-quality and useful content that helps or inspires others. If you are satisfied with my work and would like to support me, you can do so through simple options.

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