Gravatar and its use in WordPress

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Last updated December 5th, 2023 23:08

If you’ve ever registered on an online portal, not necessarily just on WordPress, you might have come across the term ‘Gravatar’. If you’re unsure about what Gravatar is and how it’s used, especially within WordPress, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Gravatar and its use in WordPress. WordPress happens to be one of the many content management systems that fully integrate Gravatar.

Gravatar and Its Use in WordPress

Gravatar stands for “Globally Recognized Avatar“. It’s a service that enables users to create a unique profile image. This image then appears alongside a specific user on various websites that support Gravatars, notably in comments or when publishing different types of content.

Gravatar is linked to an email address. The service operates based on the following principle: on its official website (as shown below), you first register your email address. Subsequently, you associate a Gravatar, a global image, or, if you will, a profile picture, with that address. Any service supporting Gravatars will display this profile picture or image alongside your email address wherever your comments or content appear.

Example in Practice

Imagine visiting a website that supports Gravatars, which essentially includes practically every WordPress site unless the site owner has disabled this feature. You read an article on the website and decide to leave a comment. To post a comment, you’re required to fill in your name or nickname and your email address. Once you submit the comment, the system connects to the Gravatar service, retrieves your email address, and automatically attaches your profile image to your comment.

Consequently, on that specific website, not only will your comment be displayed, but also, thanks to your email address and the Gravatar service, your profile image will accompany the comment.

Creating Your Gravatar

To create a Gravatar, you need to register on the website Click on “Sign up” in the top right corner.

Gravatar a jeho použití ve WordPressu

Next, you’ll fill in the email address to which you want to add Gravatar and click on ‘Send me login link‘.

Gravatar a jeho použití ve WordPressu

You will receive a notification email at the chosen email address. In that email, click on the ‘Continue to Gravatar‘ button. This button will redirect you back to the service’s website, where you can proceed to add your profile picture.

Gravatar a jeho použití ve WordPressu

In the left-hand menu, click on the ‘Avatars‘ link and upload your profile picture. Afterwards, set the image as your Gravatar and save the settings.

Gravatar a jeho použití ve WordPressu

And that’s essentially it. The service will associate the image you’ve chosen with your email address and save it as your global avatar. Wherever Gravatars are supported, this avatar will display alongside your email address.

Gravatar and its use in WordPress


Gravatars are supported by a wide range of content management systems. Some support it natively, like WordPress, while others through plugins enabled by the website’s administrator. When uploading an image, be cautious, as this Gravatar will appear wherever you comment and provide your email address.

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