How You Can Easily Recognize Spamvertised Page

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Last updated December 5th, 2023 23:52

Email correspondence is a common way of communication in today’s world. Unlike traditional mail, it is fast and efficient. Unfortunately, in the online world, there are individuals who attempt to abuse this medium to spread spam. Among spam, you will often find links to so-called “spamvertised pages.” How you can easily recognize spamvertised page will be explained below in the article.

How You Can Easily Recognize Spamvertised Page

A spamvertised page is a web page that is promoted through unsolicited and illegitimate emails (spam). The content of such emails tries to lure target users into clicking on a link leading to the promoted page. On this page, deceptive products, dangerous file downloads, fake contests, or other unethical and illegal activities may be offered.

Spamvertised pages are often designed to appear trustworthy and enticing (see more on social engineering). For example, they may imitate well-known websites, offer attractive discounts, or claim that you have won a tempting prize. However, in reality, these pages often serve only to obtain personal information, finances, or spread harmful content (phishing).

What is the difference between phishing and a spamvertised page?

The main difference between a spamvertised page and phishing lies in how the attacker targets the victim. A spamvertised page tries to lure the user into clicking on a link in an email. It then usually redirects them to a website that offers suspicious or illegal products, spreads malware, or promises attractive offers or discounts.

On the other hand, phishing aims to obtain sensitive information from the user, often through fake websites. Pages created for phishing purposes typically faithfully imitate the appearance of a higher authority (a bank, authorities, service provider). Both methods are unethical, illegitimate, and illegal.

The key elements of a spamvertised page are:

  • A spamvertised page is a webpage that an attacker promotes through unsolicited and illegitimate emails, known as spam.
  • The goal of a spamvertised page is to lure users into clicking on a link in the email.
  • These pages often offer suspicious or illegal products, spread malware, or promise attractive offers and discounts.
  • Spamvertised pages can also be used for obtaining personal information, similar to phishing.

Spamvertised pages and social engineering

Spamvertised pages directly and indirectly utilize social engineering techniques to achieve their goals. Social engineering is a manipulative and deceptive method that attackers use to gain trust and personal information from users. This technique exploits human vulnerabilities and the tendency to trust others.

When an attacker creates a spamvertised page, they often employ psychological tricks to lure users and compel them to take undesirable actions. For example:

  • Pretending to be an authority: Attackers may present themselves or their websites as trustworthy sources or well-known companies to gain the trust of the target user.
  • Creating urgency: Attackers often create the impression that the user must act immediately (such as claiming that products on the page have a limited availability). You must perform the requested action quickly and without hesitation.
  • Personal touch: Attackers often try to pretend they have your personal information (such as your name or address). This makes it seem more credible and authentic.
  • Manipulating emotions: Attackers may exploit fear, curiosity, or desire to compel you to take the desired action.
  • Socio-cultural factors and stereotypes: Attackers may incorporate elements specific to a particular social group or culture to increase the likelihood of their scam’s success.

How You Can Easily Recognize Spamvertised Page


Spamvertised pages closely resemble phishing and sometimes combine elements from both. It is another type of fraud that targets the human factor and its vulnerabilities. Especially in email communication, it is essential to be cautious and carefully examine the sender of the message. If you notice anything suspicious in an email message, it is better to delete such message or consult with someone who can analyze it if needed.

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