Want to improve your LCP metric? Use fetchpriority=”high”

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Last updated December 6th, 2023 00:12

If you’re concerned about performance in various measured metrics on your website, you may also be interested in improving the LCP metric. LCP stands for Largest Contentful Paint. This metric measures the moment when the main content of your webpage is rendered, typically the featured image in the case of a blog. Want to improve your LCP metric? Use fetchpriority=”high” attribut. Below, we’ll explain what this attribute does and how it works. It can help you achieve better results in measured metrics.

Want to improve your LCP metric? Use fetchpriority=”high”

What about WordPress?

The fetchpriority=”high” attribute is a valuable feature that can be found on images within the WordPress platform, particularly on featured images. But before we delve into explaining what this attribute means, let’s first understand what featured images actually are.

Featured images in WordPress are like the storefront display of a shop; they are designed to attract visitors’ attention. They are striking visual elements that aim to catch the eye and generate interest in a specific article or post. They can be illustrations, photographs, or graphics that precisely depict the theme or atmosphere of the content.

The fetchpriority=”high” attribute serves as an instruction to the web browser. It signals that the image is highly important and should be loaded with high priority. Imagine a situation where you have a special display cabinet in your store, and you want to showcase specific merchandise on it. Naturally, you want customers to see that merchandise immediately. The fetchpriority=”high” attribute informs the browser that the image is significant and should be loaded with high priority.

Why can fetchpriority=”high” be important?

This feature is crucial in terms of page loading speed, which directly affects the user experience. When a featured image is marked with the fetchpriority=”high” attribute, the web browser strives to ensure that this image is loaded faster than other content on the page. This allows visitors to instantly see the important visual element without having to wait for the entire page to load.

The advantage of this feature is that it grabs visitors’ attention to your blog and helps them better visualize the content of your posts through these striking images. Additionally, if the featured image is loaded immediately and with high priority, it can improve the LCP metric, as one of the most prominent elements of the page will be loaded with high priority.

Want to improve your LCP metric? Use fetchpriority=”high” using PHP snippet

And now we finally come to a functional solution for WordPress. It explains how to add such an attribute to the source code. Since we want to keep our website lean and efficient, we will try to avoid using a plugin. I assume that many experienced WordPress users already use a plugin for inserting snippets into their website’s content. If you don’t have such a plugin and are still looking for these experiences, take a look at this article on How to Insert Custom Code into WordPress. It covers all the important information. Once you have read the article, come back here, and we can continue.

Now, you can use a plugin to insert snippets into your website’s content. With this snippet, you can easily add the fetchpriority=”high” attribute to your images.

					/*Set high fetch priority for the featured image*/
function featured_image_fixes($html) {
    if ( !is_single() ) {
        return $html;
    $remove = 'decoding="async"';
    $add = 'fetchpriority="high"';
    $html = str_replace($remove, $add, $html);
    return $html;
add_filter( 'post_thumbnail_html', 'featured_image_fixes' )


Save and activate the snippet. Once the snippet is active, it will add the fetchpriority=”high” attribute to each thumbnail image. You can easily verify this in the source code. Open any post on your website or blog and view the page source. The thumbnail image will have the attribute as part of it.

Want to improve your LCP metric? Use fetchpriority="high"

Lastly, I would like to add that if you are using any caching plugin, it is necessary to clear the cache.

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