Table of Contents:
- How to display the latest WordPress posts using a snippet
- ', '
- How and where do you add the snippet?
- Featured images and “Read more” button
Last updated December 6th, 2023 00:12
By using this snippet, you can create a function that allows you to display the latest posts from your WordPress website or blog on any page you define. The theme of this snippet article is, therefore, “how to display the latest WordPress posts using a snippet“. I will try to be concise since the snippet itself is not significantly complex to understand.
How to display the latest WordPress posts using a snippet
function display_latest_posts($limit) {
$args = array(
'posts_per_page' => $limit
$query = new WP_Query($args);
if ($query->have_posts()) {
while ($query->have_posts()) {
// Display the featured image, title, and excerpt
if (has_post_thumbnail()) {
the_title('', '
// Display the "Read more" link
echo 'Read more';
} else {
echo 'No posts found.';
How and where do you add the snippet?
- First, open the functions.php file in your template (or in the child template if you’re using one).
- Insert the above code at the end of the functions.php file.
With this code, you define a custom function called display_latest_posts
that will display the latest posts added to your website. The function responds to the $limit
parameter, which determines the number of posts to display.
Now, you can create a page where you want to display the latest posts. You can create a new page or edit an existing one. In the page editor, insert the following code where you want to display the latest posts:
With this snippet, you will display the latest 5 posts. You can modify the number to determine the desired number of posts to display.
Save the page and view it. Now you should see the latest posts on the page.
Featured images and “Read more” button
The snippet also includes code for displaying the featured image using the function the_post_thumbnail(). It is followed by displaying the title and excerpt using the functions the_title() and the_excerpt(). Finally, there is the “Read more” link that leads to the full post.
If you use featured images and set a short description (excerpt) in your posts, this code will ensure the display of these elements within the latest posts view. Of course, the appearance and styling of these elements depend on your template. You can further customize them to fit your needs and match the visual style of your website.
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