Table of Contents:
- Learn How To Deleting Content From A MySQL Database
- phpMyAdmin tool
- How to delete database tables in phpMyAdmin
- Learn How To Deleting Content From A MySQL Database
- Conclusion
Last updated December 6th, 2023 00:18
Sometimes, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to delete the content of a database for various reasons. It can happen, for example, when you decide to delete an old website and build a new one, or when you want to replace the current data in the database with a backup. If you’re unsure how to proceed, you can follow this complete guide. The topic of today’s article is “learn how to deleting content from a MySQL database“. We will learn it gradually, step by step.
Learn How To Deleting Content From A MySQL Database
phpMyAdmin tool
For any modifications in the database, we will be using the phpMyAdmin tool in this article. This standard tool is offered by almost every web hosting provider. You need to find out the web address of this tool and also obtain your database access credentials. Both pieces of information should be provided by your web hosting provider or their customer support. In this guide, I will demonstrate the steps using a database provided by FORPSI company. The process will be identical with any other web hosting provider, with the only difference being the web address of the phpMyAdmin tool. For FORPSI, this tool is accessible at
So, open the web address of the phpMyAdmin tool provided by your web hosting provider. Enter your database login and password, and log in.
How to delete database tables in phpMyAdmin
You could say that the hardest part is already behind you. Deleting tables is actually that simple. If, for example, you didn’t know the database login and password, I believe that obtaining this information could have been much more difficult.
After logging in, follow the steps shown in the images below. They will explain the process to you in a very simple way:
- Click on the “Databases” option.
- Select the database.
- Under the table list, check the “Check All” option.
- Alternatively, if you don’t want to delete the entire content but only specific tables, check only the tables you wish to delete.
- From the dropdown menu, select the “Drop” option.
- Confirm the selection by clicking the “Yes” button.
Learn How To Deleting Content From A MySQL Database
Jakmile změnu v posledním kroku potvrdíte, dojde k trvalému odstranění tabulek z databáze a DB nyní bude volná pro instalaci dalšího redakčního systému. U mazání obsahu databáze postupujte vždy opatrně a vždy si dopředu raději proveďte zálohu.
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