How to change the default article category in WordPress

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Last updated December 6th, 2023 05:46

Once you add a new article to WordPress, it will automatically be assigned default settings. One of these default settings is the article category, which is set to “Uncategorized” by default. If you don’t assign a different category, the concept will be saved under this category automatically and manually, which can be inconvenient if you always need your article to be assigned to a different category. However, changing the default category in WordPress is possible and not difficult to do. In this article, you will learn how to change the default article category in WordPress using the platform’s default settings.

How to change the default article category in WordPress

You can change the default category setting in the WordPress admin interface under the “Settings” section. From there, select the second link titled “Writing“. Under the “Writing Settings” page, you’ll see a separate category section labeled “Default Post Category“. By default, this category is set to “Uncategorized“.

Simply choose a new category from the list and save the settings.

How to change the default article category in WordPress


Once you save the changes, WordPress will automatically assign new posts to the appropriate category. There is no need to manually edit each post and change it from “Uncategorized” to another category. Changing the default category in WordPress is a simple process, and now you can do it too.

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