Fingerprint reader in Ubuntu doesnt work. How to fix it?

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Last updated December 6th, 2023 06:06

If you own a Dell laptop from the Inspiron series, which includes a fingerprint reader, it probably won’t work after Ubuntu’s Linux operating system is installed. Drivers will be missing in the system. Across the board, using a fingerprint reader can be very convenient for logging into the system. But getting it up and running isn’t all that complicated. So let’s take a step-by-step look at how to get the Dell Inspiron laptop fingerprint reader up and running in Ubuntu.

Make sure, Ubuntu sees your fingerprint reader

Turn on your terminal and type this command into it.


Ubuntu lists a device, where the fingerprint reader should be visible. This will tell you that the operating system knows about it.

Installing Drivers

You can now use the wget command to download a driver that can work with the reader.


Once you have the driver file downloaded, you can install it on the system using this command:

					sudo apt install ./libfprint-2-tod1-goodix_0.0.4-0ubuntu1somerville1_amd64.deb

After the drivers are installed, restart the system. If you run your system settings and user management after the restart, a fingerprint activation should already be available with a scan of your chosen finger.

Fingerprint reader in Ubuntu doesnt work. How to fix it?


So now you know, how to get the Dell Inspiron laptop fingerprint reader up and running in Ubuntu. I hope that the article was helpful to you and that you were able to fully restore and prepare your reader for logging in on Ubuntu with the provided instructions. If so, I would appreciate any feedback you may have in the comments.

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update this i get

E: Unsupported file ./libfprint-2-tod1-goodix_0.0.4-0ubuntu1somerville1_amd64.deb given on commandline


dell inspiron 14 5000 series 2-in-1 ubuntu
Hi I just folowed your manual step by step and after restart nothing changed. No choice for fingerprint appeared. Any idea what is wrong?


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kontaktní formulář. Děkuji.

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