Add your own mime type to a Windows server using the web.config file

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Last updated December 6th, 2023 06:07

Here is an example of how to add your own mime type to a Windows server using the web.config file.

      <mimeMap fileExtension=".custom" mimeType="application/x-custom"/>

Add your own mime type to a Windows server using the web.config file

Add your own mime type to a Windows server using the web.config file – explanation

In this example, we are adding a new MIME type for files with the .custom extension. The MIME type we are adding is application/x-custom. Here’s what each part of the code does:

  • <configuration>: This is the root element of the web.config file.
  • <system.webServer>: This element contains configuration settings for IIS (Internet Information Services) web server.
  • <staticContent>: This element allows you to configure the static content (such as images, CSS files, and JavaScript files) that is served by your web application.
  • <mimeMap>: This element allows you to map a file extension to a MIME type.
  • fileExtension=".custom": This attribute specifies the file extension we want to map to a MIME type. In this case, we’re mapping the .custom extension.
  • mimeType="application/x-custom": This attribute specifies the MIME type we want to associate with the file extension. In this case, we’re using application/x-custom.

To use this code, you’ll need to add it to the web.config file for your web application. You can edit the web.config file using a text editor or an XML editor. Once you’ve added the code, save the file and upload it to your web server.

Note: Make sure to use the correct MIME type for the type of file you’re serving. You can find a list of common MIME types and their corresponding file types here:

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