How to reverse columns in Elementor on mobile devices or tablets – video

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Last updated December 6th, 2023 06:19

To ensure that your website functions properly on all devices, it is necessary to ensure the responsiveness of the website. This means that you need to adjust the appearance of the website so that it displays well on the screens of mobile devices, which have a smaller display area than traditional computers. Because what is suitable for display on a computer may not be suitable for mobile devices, and vice versa. It is good to consider the use of reversed columns, which means that the content of two columns can be swapped on a mobile device to make it more user-friendly. Below is a tutorial on how to reverse columns in Elementor on mobile devices or tablets – video.

How to reverse columns in Elementor on mobile devices or tablets – video

How to reverse columns in Elementor on mobile devices or tablets – video

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