What are the most common problems in SOC 2+ audits?

SOC 2+ audits
As businesses increasingly prioritize cybersecurity and data protection, SOC 2+ audits have become essential for demonstrating commitment to safeguarding sensitive information. These comprehensive assessments, which extend beyond standard SOC 2 requirements, are now crucial for building trust with clients and partners. However, many organizations face significant challenges during this process, potentially jeopardizing their compliance efforts.

Frequent issues in SOC 2+ audits

Organizations often encounter recurring problems when navigating the complexities of a SOC 2+ audit. These issues can range from minor oversights to major obstacles, potentially derailing the entire audit process if not addressed promptly and effectively.

Maintaining consistent control implementation across all departments is a common struggle. This problem often stems from poor communication and coordination between different teams. For example, while IT departments might diligently follow security protocols, HR teams may unknowingly use outdated practices that don’t align with SOC 2+ requirements.

Keeping pace with rapid technological changes presents another significant challenge. As new threats emerge and best practices evolve, companies must continuously update their security measures to maintain compliance. Unfortunately, many organizations find themselves reactively implementing new controls just before their audit, rather than maintaining a proactive approach to security.

Poor documentation practices

The documentation process is often a source of frustration for many organizations undergoing SOC 2+ audits. Inadequate documentation can significantly impede the audit’s progress and outcome.

Many companies underestimate the level of detail required in their documentation. Even robust security measures may be considered non-existent in the eyes of auditors if not properly documented. This oversight frequently leads to last-minute scrambles to compile evidence, resulting in incomplete or inaccurate records.

The absence of a centralized system for managing and updating documentation can lead to inconsistencies and gaps in the audit trail. Without a clear process for documenting changes to policies, procedures, and controls, organizations risk presenting outdated or conflicting information to auditors.

Auditors often encounter situations where employees follow undocumented procedures or where documented procedures no longer reflect actual practices. This disconnect between documentation and reality can raise concerns during the audit and potentially lead to non-compliance findings.

Inadequate risk assessment

Many organizations fall short in conducting thorough and regular risk assessments during SOC 2+ audits. Comprehensive risk assessments are crucial, forming the foundation for an effective security program.

Companies often treat risk assessments as a mere formality, failing to thoroughly investigate potential threats and vulnerabilities specific to their business. This superficial approach can leave significant gaps in their security posture, exposing them to risks that could have been mitigated with proper assessment and planning.

Failure to update risk assessments regularly is another common issue. Many organizations conduct an initial assessment but neglect to update it to reflect changes in their business environment, technology stack, or threat landscape. This static view of risk can lead to outdated security measures ill-equipped to handle emerging threats.

Neglecting to involve all relevant stakeholders in the risk assessment process is also problematic. While IT teams often lead these assessments, the lack of input from other departments such as legal, finance, and operations can result in an incomplete picture of the organization’s risk profile.


Successfully navigating a SOC 2+ audit requires careful preparation and awareness of potential challenges. By understanding and anticipating common problems, organizations can better position themselves for a successful audit outcome.

It’s crucial for companies to view SOC 2+ compliance as an ongoing commitment rather than a one-time hurdle. By proactively addressing issues such as poor documentation and inadequate risk assessments, organizations can not only pass their audits but also significantly enhance their overall security posture.

The ultimate goal of a SOC 2+ audit extends beyond achieving compliance; it’s about fostering a culture of security and trust within the organization. By learning from common challenges and continuously improving their processes, businesses can leverage the audit process as an opportunity for growth and differentiation in a market increasingly focused on security.

This article was prepared in cooperation with partner ITGRC Advisory Ltd.

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