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Last updated December 6th, 2023 06:19
As my son has grown up and become interested in computers and computer games, I’ve been faced with the question of what game to choose as a dad. However, I still believe that children should have toys, cars, and board games in their hands, rather than a computer. Nonetheless, when we do turn it on from time to time, I wanted us to play something that makes sense. That’s why I started looking for interesting cooperative computer games for kids, as well as for adults.
The requirements for selecting a game were clear. The game had to be cooperative and for two players. Ideally, something that would test logic and thinking skills, while also strengthening teamwork. I didn’t really care about the graphics of the games, but preferably something drawn, stylized more like a fairytale. We’re still talking about a game for an eight-year-old child. On the other hand, violence in the game in any form was unacceptable to me. That’s the last thing I would want to promote in my son, even in the form of virtual violence in a game.
I searched for a long time, but in the end, I found it. And I would like to share the result with those of you who are also looking for something similar.
Brothers: A Tale of Twoo Sons
This is a cooperative adventure game developed by Swedish developers Starbreeze Studios. It tells the story of two brothers who live only with their father, as their mother died when they were both still young. The story begins when their father falls ill, and they are tasked with finding a cure in a distant land. And that’s where the game begins.
The whole game is based on the cooperation of one brother with the other. The older brother has the advantage of greater strength, while the younger brother is more agile and smaller, which allows him to crawl through tight spaces and open certain doors that the older brother cannot reach.
Along the way, you’ll encounter fairytale creatures like giants and phoenixes, and traverse stunningly rendered landscapes. The game also features puzzles that require the brothers to work together. It’s worth noting that the game is primarily designed for a single player who controls both brothers using the keyboard. However, we split the keyboard in half, with me playing the older brother and my son playing the younger one. If you’re worried that playing on one keyboard as two people might be challenging, don’t be. We absolutely fell in love with this game. But I can’t resist giving a small spoiler alert for the ending. Be prepared for a sad ending. Unfortunately, my son shed some tears.
Unravel Two
The story of two balls of cotton. That’s one way to describe the second game, another adventure and platformer. In this game, you play as two characters made of yarn and connected by a knot. The first character from Unravel is called Yarny, who, unlike in the first game where you play alone, has a friend in the second installment.
Together, you navigate through diverse landscapes with the game’s story unfolding in the background. Along the way, you encounter logical puzzles that you must overcome through mutual cooperation. Unlike the previous game, this one is truly designed for two players. Each player has their own gamepad and plays as their own character.
The puzzles that you encounter on your journey are genuinely well thought-out, but at the same time, a child can figure them out with a little help in some places. What’s good about the game is that the puzzles are built on real and meaningful foundations. You won’t be struggling to come up with solutions to the problems. The answer will come to you eventually. At the same time, be prepared for the occasional snag when you get tangled up due to being connected together. The atmosphere is perfect thanks to the captivating music, and sometimes we had trouble turning off the game, rather than with the puzzles themselves. The game comes from the well-known game development studio, Electronics Arts. This is a good sign that it will be a fun experience.
Cooperative computer games for kids, in conclusion
To conclude, I would like to add that you don’t necessarily need a dedicated gaming computer to play the two games mentioned above. Both games are older and we played them on a laptop with an Intel Core i5 processor, 8 GB of RAM, and integrated Intel HD Graphics 620. All of this was connected to a TV via HDMI. So, if you have a similar computer configuration, I wish you many hours of fun.
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